If you're like me, love your PS3 and, of course, the large number of PS3 games you can play. The game is great, playing the sound is fantastic and the PS3 seems space age, what more could you want? Well 'as impressive as the PS3 is a slight disadvantage and that is the format that the games go, hard disk! Although it is difficult to carry around because they are so thin and light, one disadvantage is that they are very easily damaged. A small scratch canactually destroy the PS3 game and around 100 dollars a pop, which makes it very expensive coaster!
Fortunately, thanks to some very bright people, now there's a way you can copy PS3 games, I know I can make backup copies of your favorite games, you will Keep the original in a safe place. If you're like me and have brothers and sisters, playing on the PS3 are not love, if you and we know that the license plates with your game is cautious on the back oftheir opinion and then learn how to copy PS3 games could be for you.
Now there are some software that you can easily copy PS3 games and makes no effort of a button. , I'll give you a quick overview of what you need. First, you need to) site to an influx of a copy of the software is recommended (check the bottom if you installed is all I have to do is then add selected PS3 hard drive and then restart the software. Software will then read the disk, and onceYou press a button, you start your PC to make an image of the game on. Once the image is merely a matter to insert a blank disc into your PC and there you have it! You have just made a copy of your PS3 games.
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